Wall Street Journal: A Review of Microsoft's New Mango Phone

It seems, at long last, that Microsoft hasa viable smartphone contender. The bad news is it won't be available until this fall. Nevertheless,I got my hands on an early version of Microsoft 's phone, which runs Mango—the code name for the company's significant software update for Windows Phone devices. For the past week, I've been using Mango on the Samsung Focus,a $50 (after contract) smartphone from AT&T. The operating system isa mix of elegance and whimsy that'sa treat to use. Mango is sprinkled with delightful animations on nearly every screen. These include icons that swing out like tiny doors when selected, and little dots that race across the top of the screen when something is loading onto the phone. The result isa playful yet functional interface. On the downside, the Windows Marketplace currently offers only 18,000 apps for downloading to the device, compared with the 200,000 plus apps from Google's Android Market and 425,000 plus from Apple's App Store. AndI hada lot of trouble getting used to typing with my phone's on-screen keyboard.
Some Adjustment Needed
A bit of mental adjusting is required since Mango operates differently than most smartphones: Actions focus on people rather than apps. This means instead of opening up the Facebook or Twitter apps to look ata friend's status updates, photos or tweets, Mango users can open one People Hub to look upa name and seea compilation of the friend's activities in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Windows Live. The Pictures Hub contains photos of people from social networks. Chats with friends focus on the conversation rather than how the conversation is conducted. So ifI start talking toa friend ona PC using Windows Live Messenger and leave my desk,I can keep chatting on my Windows Phone in Facebook Chat or switch to text messaging. Though unfamiliar at first, Mango's organizational system made sense after using it ...
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