The Associated Press: Netflix price hike angers users, some drop plan

SAN FRANCISCO (AP)- Some Netflix customers called ita slap in the face. Othersa betrayal. Many threatened to drop the movie service.
On Wednesday, many of them vented on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere, seething over Netflix Inc. "s decision to raise its prices by up to 60 percent for the millions of subscribers who want to rent DVDs by mail and watch movies online.
"I can definitely afford it butI dropped them on principle," said Joe Turick,a technology engineer in Monroe, N.C., who has been with Netflix for abouta decade, cancelled his subscription within an hour of learning of Tuesday's price changes and plans to try competitors.
By Wednesday afternoon, more than 40,000 people had responded toa post on Netflix 's Facebook page announcing the change, with some saying they would switch to rivals such as 's paid service and to Redbox 's DVD-rental kiosks.
Outrage bubbled on Twitter, and on Netflix 's bloga posting about the new plans had garnered 5,000 comments- the limit allowed by the site's host, Google Inc. -owned Blogger- which included many seething customers.
Netflix said company executives expected the intense reaction.
"Everything Netflix does is with extensive research and testing and analysis, so we expected some people to be disappointed," spokesman Steve Swasey said.
While thousands complained on Facebook, Twitter and other websites, with 22.8 million customers in the U.S., it's clear that plenty of them are not upset about the change.
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