Wall Street Journal: Amazon Plans iPad Rival

Amazon.com Inc. has battled Apple Inc. over digital books, digital music and mobile applications. Now the two companies are taking their clash to another front: the tablet market.
Amazon plans to releasea tablet computer by October, people familiar with the matter said, intensifying its rivalry with Apple's iPad. While Amazon has long offered digital content on its website, it has lacked much of the hardware to go with it. Now the Seattle company hopes customers will use its tablet to buy and rent that content, said people familiar with its thinking.
An Amazon spokesman didn't respond to requests for comment.
Amazon 's looming entry into the tablet market, which Chief Executive Jeff Bezos has hinted at in his appearances this year, is the latest example of how technology companies, once focused ona particular segment of the industry, are increasingly jostling one another on multiple fronts. That trend is evident in the enterprise-technology arena, where onetime partners such as Hewlett-Packard Co. and Oracle Corp. became enemies in markets including server computers, and it is now becoming evident in consumer technology.
In recent years, Apple, Amazon and Google Inc. have found themselves competing in areas such as the mobile software market and digital content. The overlap stems froma race to tap into the young and growing field of selling digital goods, such as video, music and books, as more consumers turn to downloads. Apple and Amazon have already had some bitter clashes. ...
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