Gawker: Hurricane Sandy Has Made New Yorkers Fat

The destruction caused by Sandy is estimated to be in the range of $50 billion. Thousands have been left without a place to live, utilities, and other basic necessities. Yesterday, The New York Times revealed what is probably the most damaging aftereffect of the super storm yet: tight jeans. Terming the tragic condition the "Sandy Five", the Times went out into New York in search of people who had put on weight because of overeating during the storm and its aftermath.

The horrors discovered are akin to those described in the pages of a Cormac McCarthy novel. "I can't even talk about it - my jeans do not button," said Emily Marnell. Experts say that this is a very common side effect of Post Traumatic Stretch Disorder (PTSD), and that it is not uncommon for people who gain five pounds after a storm to try and repress the memory...
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